How to Decide When to Put Outdoor Furniture Outside (All Year Long?)

Deciding to Put Patio Furniture in Snow

Patio furniture is a key element in most backyard oases.  In some cases, the patio itself may actually be designed around certain furniture.   Unlike indoor furniture, outdoor furniture is made using unique materials that can withstand weather conditions.  These materials will resist damage caused by extended exposure to air or sunlight.  But can it be … Read more

9 Smart Ways to Dog Proof Outdoor Furniture (And Get Rid of the Hair)

Dog Lounging on Patio Furniture

Dogs are amazing companions that bring joy to family and friends. However, they can wreak havoc all over your chic patio furniture if you’re not careful enough. While many dogs are trained to keep their mess to a minimum indoors, things are different when it comes to outdoor furniture. Patio furniture is generally lower to … Read more

Should You Leave the Chlorine Floater in the Pool Overnight? (Important Considerations)

Removing Chlorine Floater from Pool

Floating chlorine dispensers are a simple and easy way to add chlorine to your pool water without any effort. This simple device can dispense a controlled amount of chlorine into your pool over some time, so your pool will always be chlorinated. So, this begs the question, do you leave the chlorine floater in the … Read more

Where to Put Chlorine Tablets in an Above-Ground Pool (3 Reliable Locations)

Chlorine Tablet Dispenser in Pool

Chlorine is the most common sanitizing agent to keep pools looking crystal clear.  However, chlorine comes in many different forms –liquid, tablets, sticks, and granules.  For many pool owners, chlorine tablets are one of the easiest options to maintain proper chlorine levels in the water with the least amount of effort.  Tablets are slow to dissolve, … Read more

3 Reasons Why Your Pool Water Looks Clear, But Feels Slimy (How to Fix!)

Crystal Clear Pool

Owning a pool provides countless benefits. It’s a great way to keep cool in the summer without having to travel to a beach. It can also provide an easy means to host get-togethers with family and friends.   However, a pool is not always easy to maintain as it requires careful attention in keeping the water … Read more

15 Clever Ways to Keep Ants Off Patio Furniture

Ant Carrying Food

While we all love hanging around the backyard, most of us have probably seen what happens when crumbs of food are left lying around.  In several short hours, it’s not uncommon to have hordes of ants scrounging for the remnants. Those ants can seemingly come out of nowhere, crawling on everything in sight, including your … Read more

Can You Scuba in a Pool? (Why It’s Highly Recommended!)

Scuba Diving in a Pool

Scuba diving is an exciting activity that allows you to explore the underwater world and get up close with marine life.  It’s often associated with exploring exotic locations, swimming alongside dolphins, fish, and other aquatic life. However, before diving into the deep blue ocean, it’s important to start with the basics in a controlled environment. That’s … Read more

Uh-Oh, Tiny Black Bugs in the Pool After Rain? (How to Identify and Eliminate!)

Bug Bites in Pool

There’s little more in life that’s as refreshing as a dip in a crystal-clear pool on a hot summer day.   But, as all pool owners know, the pool doesn’t stay clean on its own.  Whether it’s bugs, leaves, dirt, algae, rodents –all of these are things that most pool owners don’t want to see in … Read more